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Accumet Ar15 Manual Ph Meter

Accumet Ar15 Manual Ph Meter Rating: 5,5/10 3510 reviews

Save fisher accumet ar15 ph meter to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Fischer Scientific Accumet AR 15 pH Meter Display - Sold For Parts. Top Rated Plus. FISHER Scientific ACCUMET MODEL 15 PH METER WITH An Arm for pH Meter See more like this. This user manual provides instructions on operating the Fisher Scientific™ accumet™ AE150 pH benchtop meter. Detailed information on meter setup, operation. Accumet bench top and portable ph meters and electrodes offer reliability, consistency, and ease of use. Shop accumet products at Fisher Scientific.


PH: Accumet AR10 pH Meter I) Principle The principle of electrometric pH is the determination of the activity of the hydrogen ions by potentiometric II) Instrument Setup A) Set Mode to pH,% Slope to 100% and Temp oC to the temperature of the standard buffer solutions. B) Use pH electrode and (ATC) Automatic Temperature Compensation Probe for each measurement. If the ATC probe cannot be used due to insufficient sample volume; immerse the ATC probe into a bottle of deionized water that is at the same temperature as the samples, standards and controls.

C)Rotate the pH electrode cap ring to the left to open the fill hole. Add saturated KCl if the electrolyte level is lower that 1/4 inch below the cap. The fill hole must be open when taking measurements. D) Rinse probes thoroughly with deionized water and blot dry with a kimwipe before use and after each measurement. E) Immerse pH electrode into a buffer solution between measurements. Storage in deionized water leads to a slow, sluggish response. III) Calibration Procedure A) Standardize pH electrode before each set of sample measurements.

Bracket samples with appropriate pH buffers, pH 7.0 (yellow) buffer to pH 4.0 (pink) buffer or pH 7.0 buffer to pH 10.0 (blue) buffer. NOTE: Samples with pH's above 7.00 may be standardized with 4.0 and 7.0 pH buffers if the accuracy of the results are verified by repeating a few of the samples with a 7.0 and 10.0 pH buffer calibration. Repeats should be within 0.10 pH units. B) Immerse electrode into 7.00 buffer solution. Adjust the Standardize knob until display indicates the exact buffer value for the buffer temperature.

Immerse electrode into second buffer solution. Turn% Slope knob until display indicates the exact second buffer value for the buffer temperature.


C) Check for accuracy with control samples. Use low ionic strength 0.0001 N HCl (pH = 3.95-4.25) and a certified pH buffer solution (pH =4.61-4.65). If the control results are not within the specified limits, troubleshoot the problem before analyzing any samples.

Accumet Ar15 Ph Meter Manual

IV) Analysis Procedure A) Rinse each sample, standard or control container to be used three times with deionized water and then once with a small amount of sample, standard or control. B) Pour sample, standard or control into rinsed container. Insert pH electrode and ATC probe into container, ensuring that the glass pH sensing bulb, the reference juntion and the ATC probe are immersed.


C) Swirl sample until uniformally mixed. Wait until meter stabilizes to the nearest 0.1 pH unit (5 minutes). Record pH reading. V) Instrument Shutdown A) Rinse probes thoroughly with deionized water and blot dry with a kimwipe. B) Turn pH electrode cap ring to the right to close the fill hole. Store electrode in a bottle of saturated potassium chloride solution. C) Place ATC probe in a bottle of deionized water.

Accumet Ph Probe Cleaning

D) Turn pH Meter Mode to Standby. 70501 Chris Seibold.