Bates Guide To Physical Assessment
Chapter 2: Clinical Reasoning, Assessment, and Recording Your Findings Multiple Choice 1. A patient presents for evaluation of a sharp, aching chest pain which increases with reathing.!hich anatomic area would 'ou locali#e the s'mptom to$ A% Musculos&eletal '% Reproductive C% (rinar' )%.ndocrine Ans: A Chapter: +2 age and -eader: 2, A ssessment and lan: /he rocess of Cli nical Reasoning Feedac&: Chest pain ma' e due to a m usculos&eletal condition, such as costochondriti s or intercostal muscle cramp. /his would e worsened ' motion of the chest wall. leuritic chest pain is also a sharp chest pain which increases with a deep reath. /his t'pe of pain can occur with inflammation of the pleura from pneumonia or other conditions and pulmonar' emolus. A patient comes to the emergenc' room for evaluation of shortness of reath.
Bates Guide To Physical Examination Online
/ o which anatomic region would 'ou assign the s'mptom$ A% Reproductive '% (rinar' C% Cardiac )% -ematologic Ans: C Chapter: +2 age and -eader: 2, A ssessment and lan: /he rocess of Cli nical Reasoning Feedac&: Cardiac disorders such as congestive heart failure are the most li&el' on this list to result in shortness of reath. /here are cases within the other categories which ma' also result in shortness of reath, such as anemia in the hematologic categor', pregnanc' in the reproductive categor', or s epsis with (/0 in the urinar' categor'. /his demonstrates the tension in clinical reasoning etween ma&ing sure all possiilities are covered, while still eing a le to pic& the most li&el' cause. A patient presents for evaluation of a cough.!hich of the following anatomic regions can e responsile for a cough$ A% 4phthalmologic '% Auditor' C% Cardiac )%.ndocrine Ans: C Chapter: +2 age and -eader: 2, A ssessment and lan: /he rocess of Cli nical Reasoning Feedac&: /he cardiac s'stem can cause a cough if the patient has congest ive heart failure. /hi s results in fluid uildup in the lungs, which in turn can cause a cough that produces pin&, froth' sputum. A foreign od' in the ear ma' also cause a cough ' stimulating A rnold5s ranch of the vagus nerve, ut this is less li&el' to e seen clinicall' than heart failure. A 227'ear7old advertising cop'writer presents for evaluation of 8oint pain.
/he pain is new, located in the wrists and fingers ilaterall', with some su8ective fever. /he patient denies a rash9 she also denies recent travel or camping activities. he has a famil' histor' significant for rheumatoid arthritis. 'ased on this information, which of the following pathologic processes would e the most correct$ A% 0nfectious '% 0nflammator' C% -ematologic )% /raumatic Ans: ' Chapter: +2 age and -eader: 2, A ssessment and lan: /he rocess of Cli nical Reasoning Feedac&: /he description is most consistent wit h an inflammator' process, alt hough all the other etiologies should e consider ed.;'m e disease is an infection w hich commonl' causes arthritis, hemophilia is a hematologic condition which can ca use leeding in the 8oints, and trauma can oviousl' cause 8oint pain. Yo ur clinical reasoning s&ills are important for s orting through all of the data to arrive at the most li&el' conclusion.
Floor in his house, whi ch caused him great discomfort. /he pain resolved with res t.e denies fever, chills, rash, upper respirator' s'mptoms, trauma, or in8ur' to the nec&. 'ased on this description, what is the most li&el' pathologic process$ A% 0nfectious '% =eoplastic C% )egenerative )% /raumatic Ans: C Chapter: +2 age and -eader: 2, A ssessment and lan: /he rocess of Cli nical Reasoning Feedac&: /he description is most consistent wit h degenerative arthritis in t he nec&. /he patient has had intermittent s'mptoms and the uestions as&ed to e licit pertinent negative and positive findings are negative for infectious, traumatic, or neoplastic disease.?
Bates Guide To Physical Assessment Test Bank
Electronics lab manual volume 1 complete. Bates guide to physical examination, chapter 1 of the test bank by exiguous_exiguous in test bank and bates guide Bates guide to physical examination, chapter 1 of the test bank Search Search. Sep 5, 2016 - Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online.